Companies: Let Your Employees Breathe!

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Most states and cities in America do not have government-issued mask mandates anymore, and yet, many of America's major chains require their employees to wear masks for hours and hours.

Covid lockdowns and mandates have created two classes in America, with elitists at award shows and parties, politicians at bars and football games, etc. unmasked and in close quarters. But the people serving them have to wear masks. It's disgusting and anti-American, and these companies are treating their employees like second-class citizens.

When businesses force their employees to breathe for 8-12 hours through a mask that we all know is useless, it is adding to this class divide. It needs to end now.

Customers want to see the faces of the people working, to see their smiles, and to know they can BREATHE!

And, while they're at it, stores need to remove those useless plastic dividers between cashiers and customers. Newsflash: Air moves around the little plastic divider! They are ridiculous, defy logic and science, and contribute, again, to the divide between people. Tear down the plastic dividers too!