Congress: Don’t Expand DOT

logo Tea Party Patriots Action
There’s been a 15% increase in consumer prices since Biden took office. And the federal Department of Transportation (DOT) has a big role in that.

Big costs for consumers come into play when DOT imposes heavy-handed regulations on America’s supply chains.

Now, some members of Congress want to give DOT even more power to slow supply chains and drive up consumer costs.

Their bill would apply the strictest regulations intended for hazardous materials to everyday items like food and household products. It would impose massive new fines that discourage shippers from making investments in smarter and safer transportation. And it would give sweetheart deals to union bosses who have no stake keeping consumer costs low.

America’s transportation industry needs to be safer, more efficient and deliver high-quality service to consumers. We won’t get there if Congress saddles our supply chains with heavy-handed regulations.

Contact your members of Congress and tell him or her: vote NO on the so-called “Railway Safety Act”.