#ExitTheWHO - Submit Your Comment to the U.S. Dept. of HHS

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Comments are OPEN for the Office of Global Affairs Stakeholder Listening Session for WHA76

(Washington, D.C.) — The Office of Global Affairs at the Department of Health and Human Services has invited written comments on amendments to the International Health Regulations (#IHR) and the new International Pandemic Accord (#ZeroDraft). Please send your comment to them by email at OGA.RSVP@HHS.gov. The deadline is Wednesday, May 10, 2023.

At SovereigntyCoalition.org, we make it easy!

“Take Action” to send the comment below to the Office of Global Affairs (@HHS_Global) at the Department of Health and Human Services (@HHSGov). When you “Take Action,” the same letter will also be sent to your Congressional representatives—your Senators and your Member of Congress. Or, if you prefer, you may copy the text below, make it your own, and send it direct. You can find your Congressional representatives here, https://www.congress.gov/members. You can also make phone calls and post to social media.

However you choose to do so, be sure to submit your comment by no later than Wednesday, May 10.

Take Action Now!

EMAIL TO: OGA.RSVP@HHS.gov and to Congress (Senators and Member)
SUBJECT LINE: Written Comment Re: Stakeholder Listening Session for WHA76

As a U.S. citizen, I am opposed to giving the World Health Organization (W.H.O.) the authority to declare unilaterally a Public Health Emergency of International Concern (PHEIC) and the power to mandate the United States’ response. The W.H.O. has no business dictating to us, for example: the use of vaccines and the prohibition of other treatments; vaccine distribution and supply; surveillance and tracking of U.S. citizens; the implementation of a centralized database and digital IDs to control travel or other activities based on vaccine status and/or other personal information.
Such intrusive decisions have the potential to violate our constitutionally guaranteed freedoms. They must not be made by anyone wholly unaccountable to us, let alone foreign powers.
That is especially true of the W.H.O. — an unelected, unaccountable, international organization funded by public and private contributions from stakeholders with possible vested political or profit-driven interests.
The W.H.O. has a long history of poor management and implementation of large-scale international efforts — including most recently, the global Covid-19 pandemic. No democratic state should consider relinquishing its sovereignty with regards to its response to public health emergencies within its borders or without.
Please accept this written letter as a public record of my strong opposition to the amendments to the International Health Regulations (2005) and the International Pandemic Accord (a.k.a. Treaty) under consideration by the W.H.O.’s World Health Assembly.
Rather than giving the World Health Organization intolerable authority over our country, the United States must instead exit the W.H.O.