GOP Chairmen: Support Trump's Nominees

logo Tea Party Patriots Action
President Trump's Cabinet nominees must first pass through the respective committees to which they are accountable before they are presented to the Senate for a confirmation vote.

Americans want GOP Committee Chairmen to firmly support President Trump's nominees and expedite the process in order to confirm the nominees as quickly as possible. This includes publicly pledging support for the president's picks and pushing the necessary bureaucratic agencies to expedite all paperwork. Additionally, they must schedule hearings and votes in the most expeditious time possible. Finally, Americans are tired of games and efforts to delay. We want and expect GOP Chairmen to publicly and privately support President Trump's nominees.

Use this campaign to easily call the Committee Chairmen, urging them to fast-track this process, and if one of the chairmen is your senator, make sure to apply extra pressure to get the nominees favorably passed out of their committees.