Impeach Joe Biden

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UPDATE: For the entire month of August, members of Congress are home on recess. So, for the whole month, we are asking you to use this campaign make calls, and then to also visit their local offices. Tell them to begin the impeachment inquiry for Joe Biden when they return in September.

It is time for the House to begin the impeachment inquiry to discover the truth about the allegations against Joe Biden and his family, brought forth by whistleblowers and other evidence.

While the Department of Justice and FBI target and persecute law-abiding American citizens, the whistleblowers testified that the DOJ regularly blocked investigations that could lead back to Joe Biden. The American people deserve answers, and the DOJ is too corrupt to find them.

There is more than enough information available publicly to know that Joe Biden deserves impeachment, so the House must launch an impeachment inquiry immediately. Please contact your Representative today and tell him or her to support any Republican efforts to investigate and impeach Joe Biden.