Keep Public Spaces & Services Accessible Without Digital IDs

Children's Health Defense
Cities and states across the country are increasingly adopting digital IDs and other digital surveillance applications for residents to access spaces and services. As these technologies expand, it's essential to voice our concerns and tell federal and state officials that we must maintain the right to access public spaces and city services without a digital ID. By refusing to use a digital ID, you are asserting your right to maintain control over your personal data – including your biometrics.

CHD is fighting for your rights, too.

On April 2, Children’s Health Defense (CHD) scored a major win for privacy rights! We obtained access to thousands of records related to the rollout of advanced surveillance technologies – including digital IDs – being developed as part of L.A.’s smart city initiatives. The court order not only granted CHD access to critical documents but also affirmed the fundamental right of residents to move freely throughout the city of L.A. without the requirement of a digital ID.

This is huge! We must replicate this outcome throughout the U.S. and ensure that all federal and state officials are bombarded with letters of clear opposition to any form of mandatory digital ID. Together, let's ensure that our privacy, and the privacy of our children, is protected.