No More Bailouts!

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The bailouts have to stop, and stop now.

Think about it for a moment…Banks not tending to risk and not managing their assets properly, and the government stepping in to bail them out?

We’ve seen this before. Fifteen years ago, Obama’s major bailouts of Wall Street banks decimated our economy.

Now, Biden’s bailouts for Silicon Valley Bank and Signature Bank are part of a “contagion” that economists worry could lead to a run on banks.

The problem with bailouts is that they are never just one shot. Bailouts beget more bailouts.

The cost to our treasury will be enormous. The cost to our dignity, our principles, and our values will be even greater.

Let the Silicon Valley Bailout be our wake-up call. Americans, it is up to us to tell Congress to stop Bailout Biden.

Please contact your Representative and both of your Senators and give them a simple message – NO MORE BAILOUTS!