Republicans Must Stand for the 2nd Amendment!

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Update 6/20/22:
The House gun control bill will go nowhere in the Senate, and the Senate bipartisan group has not come to a deal yet on the actual language and details to be included. We know that one sticking point revolves around hundreds of millions of dollars that would be sent to states to implement or beef up existing "red flag" laws.

This is a terrible idea, and Senate Republicans must walk away from any deal that includes "red flag" laws, or using our tax dollars to bribe states into implementing them.

Knowing that the publicly-stated end goal of Democrats is to literally take away our guns, Senate Republicans shouldn't even be negotiating at all. The only proposals Democrats will agree to are policies that will further their desire to confiscate guns and decimate the 2nd Amendment.

The Senate wants to vote on this before Friday - before they leave for their 4th of July holiday break. WE MUST STOP THEM!

Use this updated campaign tell Senate Republicans to stand up for the 2nd Amendment!

" disarm the people... was the best and most effectual way to enslave them."

George Mason