Secure The Texas Electric Grid!

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The people of Texas have long been noted for their independence, and for doing everything just a little bit bigger. One unique distinction which Texas holds is being the only state with its own fully intrastate electric grid, overseen by the Electric Reliability Council of Texas (ERCOT).

After Winter Storm Uri, Texas set the standard for rapidly and effectively protecting the grid against cold weather. As recent Solar Weather threatens the nation’s electric grid, Texas can – and MUST – set the example again to rapidly protect against this looming threat.

But, some in Washington are trying to break Texas’ independence streak by lassoing the state into the national electric grid, which would subject them to the same failed resilience standards which are in place nationally. This would keep the state vulnerable to Solar Weather and other dangerous threats.

Take action (above) to send Texas lawmakers and regulators a thorough report demonstrating why Texas must refuse to give up grid independence and to encourage them establish new standards to lead the nation in electric grid resilience – starting with protections against Solar Weather!