Stop the Lame Duck Spending Spree!

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The government’s fiscal year ends September 30th, and while they should pass actual budgets, they will instead pass yet another Continuing Resolution (CR) to keep funding the government.

The most urgent problem with this is that some members of Congress already lost their primaries, some will lose in the general election in November, and some members are retiring.

If a CR expires after the election, but before the new Congress is sworn in on January 20, 2023 (i.e. the lame duck session), then members who will not be returning to Congress will get to vote on spending – likely through the end of the next fiscal year – September 30, 2023.

This means that the new members - people voters will have just sent to represent them - will not have a say on spending almost their entire first year in Congress.

There are big spenders not returning to Congress who will see this as their chance to spend everything they (and their friends) have wanted to spend, but didn’t, because they had to stand for re-election at some point.

So, people who cannot be held accountable, who will not face voters again, will make the decision on spending for the next fiscal year – and there will be nothing holding them back.

Tell Congress to pass a Continuing Resolution that will not expire until after January 20, 2023. Let the new Congress make the spending decisions and stop the lame duck spending spree!