Support SB 99 Protect Children in Connecticut

logo Children's Health Defense
Exposure to radiofrequency (RF) radiation emitted by cell towers can cause serious health effects, including cancer, developmental delays and learning and memory issues. Children are particularly vulnerable to these harmful effects.

Despite these health risks and expert recommendations for a minimum setback distance of 1640 feet, Connecticut school officials are accepting financial incentives from telecom giants to install cell towers directly on school grounds, exposing children to dangerous levels of RF radiation. In true big-industry fashion, corporate profits are taking priority over the health and safety of our children.

That’s why Connecticut Senate Bill 99 (SB 99) has been introduced—to ban cell towers and small wireless facilities on or near school grounds. We need your help to push legislators to pass this critical bill and protect children from exposure to dangerous (RF) radiation.

Thank you for using your voice to make a difference for our children’s health.