Urge ACHA to revise its Covid-19 booster recommendations

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The purpose of this campaign is to urge the American College Health Association (ACHA) to revise its booster recommendation to their member Institutes of Higher Education (IEHs). More than 325 colleges now require that students get a Covid-19 booster as a condition of matriculation. We want colleges to end these ill-advised, medically unnecessary, and potentially dangerous mandates.

College booster mandates are informed (in part) by ACHA recommendations that students get boosters. We hope that a change in ACHA guidance will result in colleges ending student booster mandates, and ending any future requirements that students must take additional doses to for their Covid-19 vaccination status to be "up to date."

The ACHA has been the principal leadership organization for advancing the health of college students at more than 800 member Institutions of Higher Eduction (IHEs) since 1920. Colleges set health policy based in large part on ACHA recommendations. The ACHA Covid-19 guidelines have greatly shaped individual college Covid containment protocols. In their January 19 guidance, ACHA recommended that all IEHs require COVID-19 vaccination for all on-campus college students and also recommended that all eligible students receive COVID-19 booster doses. This recommendation has become mandate at more than 325 colleges.

In our letter, we show why boosters are not medically necessary for students, and why they do not prevent community spread. Most importantly, we highlight the risks to the student population from the Covid-19 shots.

Please join us in this important campaign. The health and well-being of college students depend on it.