Browse Campaign


Advocates across America are being heard on issues they're passionate about.


Demand that they be submitted to and rejected by the Senate

Acknowledge, Research and Help the Vaccine Injured

Reveal the real stories behind vaccine injuries #RealNotRare

Stop Vaccine Passports - ACT NOW!

States Are Quietly Adopting Mass Digital Tracking & Control

Save Babies and Children from the COVID Jab

Jabs for babies approved without knowing long-term effects

Tell the CDC: Men cannot “chestfeed” babies!

The CDC is not operating on science, fact or universal truth

Prohibit Gender Transition Procedures on Minors in the USA

H.R. 3328 needs co-sponsors from Louisiana!

American College of Surgeons

Oppose governmental interference in the practice of medicine


The United States must EXIT THE WHO as soon as possible.

Covid Vaccine on CDC Childhood Schedule - ACTION REQUESTED

What is Your Position on School Mandates in Your State?

Fire Ferrer

Stop the Mask Mandate

BOYCOTT Biz Supporting Discrimination & Segregation-AB1797

AirBNB, Chevron, DoorDash & More Support CA Lawmakers/Bills


6 Month Old Baby Denied Heart Surgery Due To Vax Status!

VOTE NO on SB 866! My kid is NOT for sale!

12-year-olds are NOT adults, WE are our children’s consent

The CDC Has No Mandate Authority!

The CDC has no power to reimpose mask mandates.

ACTION ALERT! Ban Vaxx Mandates In AZ!

Stop AZ governments in their tracks! NO MORE MANDATES!

We Oppose AB 1993!

Let's End mandates as a form of employment

Let Parents Decide - Oppose SB871!

Please help us say NO to SB 871

Take Action to Oppose SB 866

Speaking for our children

Kern County Leaders for Honorable Governance

Citizens Request Strong Leadership

Please Take Action to Oppose SB 866!

Preserve Parents' Responsibility for Children's Medical History!

Let Parents Decide - Oppose SB871!

California Educators for Medical Freedom

Oppose SB866 - Minors Vaccine Consent

Oppose SB866 - Minors Vaccine Consent

Cares Act Murders

Cares Act Harvesting lives of working & lower class

End the State of Emergency

End the State of Emergency and all Covid-19 Mandates

Demand Poway Anti-K-12-Vax-Mandate Resolution Now!

Inaction by Poway's school board is NOT acceptable.

My Child, My Choice

Say NO to Bill A08378!